James: Outline of Contents
I. Epistolary introduction (1:1)
II. Introduction of major themes (1:2–27)
A. Enduring trials (1:2–4, 12–15)
B. Prayer and divine wisdom (1:5–8)
C. Rich and poor (1:9–11)
D. Wisdom from above (1:16–18)
E. The use of the tongue (1:19–21)
F. Doers of the word (1:22–27)
III. Development of major themes (2:1–5:20)
A. Rich and poor in the assembly (2:1–13)
B. Doers of the word (2:14–26)
C. The use of the tongue (3:1–12)
D. Prayer and divine wisdom (3:13–4:10)
E. Doers of the law and judging one’s neighbor (4:11–12)
F. Rich and poor and the pursuit of wealth (4:13–5:6)
G. Endurance of trials (5:7–11)
H. On swearing (5:12)
I. Prayer and faith (5:13–18)
J. The recovery of a neighbor (5:19–20)
Courtesy of HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, ed. Mark Allan Powell (New York: HarperCollins, 2011), 427.