Similarities between the Johannine Letters and the Gospel of John (Box 28.2)
- light and darkness (1 John 1:5–7; 2:9–11; cf. John 8:12; 12:46)
- unity of Father and Son (1 John 1:3; 2:22–24; 2 John 9; cf. John 5:20; 10:30, 38; 14:10)
- references to “the truth” (1 John 2:21; 3:19; 2 John 1; 3 John 3, 8; cf. John 8:32; 18:37)
- use of paraklētos, “Paraclete” (1 John 2:1; John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7)
- being hated by the world (1 John 3:13; cf. John 15:18–19; 17:13–16)
- God sending Christ into the world out of love (1 John 4:9; cf. John 3:16)
- Jesus coming in the flesh (1 John 4:2; 2 John 7; cf. John 1:14)
- Christ laying down his life for others (1 John 3:16; cf. John 10:11, 15, 17–18; 15:12–13)
- being born of God (1 John 2:29; 3:9; cf. John 1:13; 3:3–8)
- knowing God (1 John 2:3–5, 13–14; 3:1, 6; 4:6–8; cf. John 1:10; 8:55; 14:7; 16:3)
- abiding in God/Christ (1 John 2:6, 27–28; 3:6, 24; 4:13–16; cf. John 6:56; 15:4–10)
- new and old commandments (1 John 2:7; 2 John 5; cf. John 13:34)
- loving one another (1 John 4:11–12; 3:11, 23; 2 John 5; cf. John 13:34; 15:12)
- water and blood (1 John 5:6–8; cf. John 19:34–35)
- that joy may be complete (1 John 1:4; 2 John 12; cf. John 15:11; 16:24; 17:13)