
Mark: Outline of Contents

I. Jesus appears, preaching the kingdom of God with power (1:1–3:6)

A. Beginnings: John the Baptist (1:1–13)

B. Jesus’s ministry introduced (1:14–45)

C. Conflict with religious authorities (2:1–3:6)

II. Jesus’s ministry in Galilee (3:7–6:6)

A. True followers of Jesus (3:7–35)

B. Teaching in parables (4:1–34)

C. Working miracles (4:35–5:43)

D. Conflict with his own (6:1–6)

III. Jesus begins his final journey to Jerusalem (6:7–8:21)

A. Mission of the twelve and John the Baptist’s death (6:7–29)

B. Feeding and healing miracles (6:30–56)

C. Teaching about the law (7:1–23)

D. Healing and feeding miracles (7:24–8:10)

E. Foes and friends misunderstand (8:11–21)

IV. Jesus heals blind eyes: teaching on discipleship (8:22–10:52)

A. Blind eyes opened (8:22–26)

B. First passion prediction and attendant events (8:27–9:29)

C. Second passion prediction and attendant events (9:30–10:31)

D. Third passion prediction and attendant events (10:32–45)

E. Blind eyes opened (10:46–52)

V. Final week in Jerusalem (11:1–16:8)

A. Jesus teaches in the temple (11:1–12:44)

B. On times before the end (13:1–37)

C. Final acts of Jesus (14:1–42)

D. Jesus tried and condemned (14:43–15:47)

E. The empty tomb (16:1–8)

VI. Later epilogue: Jesus appears (16:9–20)

Courtesy of HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, ed. Mark Allan Powell (New York: HarperCollins, 2011), 601.