
The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of John

Theme: Jesus Is in Control

Jesus chooses Judas, knowing he will betray him (6:70–71; 13:27–30).

Jesus claims no one can take his life, but he will freely lay it down, knowing he can take it up again (10:17–18).

Satan has no power over Jesus (14:30).

Soldiers have no power over Jesus—they fall down at his word (18:6).

Pilate has no power over Jesus, save that which is allowed him (19:10–11).

Theme: Jesus’s Death Is His Glorification

Jesus (as the Word) was in the beginning with God and was God (1:1–2).

Jesus comes to earth as the Word made flesh to dwell among us (1:14).

Even while on earth, Jesus and the Father are one (14:8–10).

Jesus’s death is the hour when he departs this world and goes to the Father (13:1).

Through death, Jesus returns to his preexistent state of glory (17:5).

Theme: Jesus’s Death Is a Sacrifice

Jesus is called the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (1:29).

Jesus is condemned to die at noon on Passover, the time when the Passover lamb is slain (19:14).

Theme: Jesus’s Death Is an Exaltation and Victory

 Jesus refers to his death three times as his being “lifted up” (3:14; 8:28; 12:31–32).

At his death Jesus cries, “It is finished!” (19:30), a claim to have accomplished what he intended to do.